Now you can customize all your belongings with this handheld PrintBrush XDR Smartphone Printer. This portable paperless printer was created by the company called ‘PrintDreams’. It prints as you sweep it across any surface. It connects to an app on your smartphone. The PrintBrush XDR is a complete wireless multi-color inkjet printer. The weight of this device is about the same as an ordinary smartphone. But, it can print massive imprints than its size.

It can print on almost any surface like paper, fabrics, cardboard, and wood with full color. They are perfect for printing pieces of text and graphics. PrintBrush XDR uses RMPT technology to print with a smartphone. The lightweight and portable compact design allows you to take the printer with you anywhere. If you want to save some trees and go paperless then this device must be your dream comes true.
They are easy to operate and easy to use. All you have to do is, simply swap the printer across a surface from left to right or right to left. Then an optical sensor tracks the direction of the printer and the intelligent software prints the relevant columns of the imprint image. It allows you to move your hand independently, so you can go as slow or as fast as you want or stop in the middle of the printout. Check the PrintBrush XDR Printer on Kickstarter!